a close up of a plant on a black background
a close up of a purple flower on a plant
a close up of a flower on a plant
a large green plant with lots of leaves
a close up of a plant with green leaves
the logo for ace seeds
a couple of boxes that are sitting on a table
    a close up of a plant on a black background
    a close up of a purple flower on a plant
    a close up of a flower on a plant
    a large green plant with lots of leaves
    a close up of a plant with green leaves
    the logo for ace seeds
    a couple of boxes that are sitting on a table
a close up of a plant on a black background
a close up of a purple flower on a plant
a close up of a flower on a plant
a large green plant with lots of leaves
a close up of a plant with green leaves
the logo for ace seeds
a couple of boxes that are sitting on a table
a close up of a plant on a black background
a close up of a purple flower on a plant
a close up of a flower on a plant
a large green plant with lots of leaves
a close up of a plant with green leaves
the logo for ace seeds
a couple of boxes that are sitting on a table
    a close up of a plant on a black background
    a close up of a purple flower on a plant
    a close up of a flower on a plant
    a large green plant with lots of leaves
    a close up of a plant with green leaves
    the logo for ace seeds
    a couple of boxes that are sitting on a table
a close up of a plant on a black background
a close up of a purple flower on a plant
a close up of a flower on a plant
a large green plant with lots of leaves
a close up of a plant with green leaves
the logo for ace seeds
a couple of boxes that are sitting on a table



Introducing ErdPurt Regular Seeds - a captivating 100% Indica variety that is sure to impress.One of the most striking characteristics of ErdPurt is its stunning ornamental hash plant appearance.

 This exceptional strain originated in northern Europe and was carefully selected for its high quality, fast-flowering nature, and remarkable adaptability, specifically designed to thrive in adverse conditions found in northern climates.

As it enters the late flowering stage, you'll witness an array of mesmerizing colors in the leaves, stems, and flowers.

Rapid ripening is a hallmark of ErdPurt, culminating in the production of incredibly dense and resinous buds.

These aromatic gems emanate an enticing blend of coffee, earthy, piney, and hashy scents, indulging your senses with each breath. Not only does ErdPurt possess remarkable aesthetics and fragrances, but its effects also leave a lasting impression.

Experience the relaxing and moderate strength Afghan-type high that is enhanced by its high CBD content. These resinous buds offer high medicinal value, making them an excellent choice for those seeking therapeutic benefits.

  • Grows exceptionally well in outdoor environments, making it ideal for high altitude regions and northern latitudes where other Afghan strains struggle to flourish.
  • Fast-flowering nature allows for quick harvests, saving you time and delivering results sooner.

Genetics Erdbeer x Purpuera Ticinensis
Sativa / Indica ratio 100 % indica
THC 0.5-8 %
CBD 6-12 %
Flowering indoors 7-8 weeks
Flowering outdoors August / Early September 
Yield Average
Taste: Fresh roast coffee and strawberry\blackberry pie smoke fragrances, with a strong organic, hashy and earthy background. 
The flavor is reminiscent of the exquisite Yarkhun Pakistan hash.
High: Relaxed and creative indica effect of moderate strength, with great medicinal potential due to its high CBD content.
Complex and rich terpene profile.The following monoterpenes: alpha pinene, trans ocimene and d limonene, with variability in the myrcene, beta pinene and linalool content. 


Introducing ErdPurt Regular Seeds - a captivating 100% Indica variety that is sure to impress.One of the most striking characteristics of ErdPurt is its stunning ornamental hash plant appearance.

 This exceptional strain originated in northern Europe and was carefully selected for its high quality, fast-flowering nature, and remarkable adaptability, specifically designed to thrive in adverse conditions found in northern climates.

As it enters the late flowering stage, you'll witness an array of mesmerizing colors in the leaves, stems, and flowers.

Rapid ripening is a hallmark of ErdPurt, culminating in the production of incredibly dense and resinous buds.

These aromatic gems emanate an enticing blend of coffee, earthy, piney, and hashy scents, indulging your senses with each breath. Not only does ErdPurt possess remarkable aesthetics and fragrances, but its effects also leave a lasting impression.

Experience the relaxing and moderate strength Afghan-type high that is enhanced by its high CBD content. These resinous buds offer high medicinal value, making them an excellent choice for those seeking therapeutic benefits.

  • Grows exceptionally well in outdoor environments, making it ideal for high altitude regions and northern latitudes where other Afghan strains struggle to flourish.
  • Fast-flowering nature allows for quick harvests, saving you time and delivering results sooner.

Genetics Erdbeer x Purpuera Ticinensis
Sativa / Indica ratio 100 % indica
THC 0.5-8 %
CBD 6-12 %
Flowering indoors 7-8 weeks
Flowering outdoors August / Early September 
Yield Average
Taste: Fresh roast coffee and strawberry\blackberry pie smoke fragrances, with a strong organic, hashy and earthy background. 
The flavor is reminiscent of the exquisite Yarkhun Pakistan hash.
High: Relaxed and creative indica effect of moderate strength, with great medicinal potential due to its high CBD content.
Complex and rich terpene profile.The following monoterpenes: alpha pinene, trans ocimene and d limonene, with variability in the myrcene, beta pinene and linalool content. 

Ace Seeds by Ace Seeds

ErdPurt Regular Seeds

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Regular price
Tax included.

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