

The sleek, stealthy magnetic click pipe is a revolutionary hand pipe created for the avid smokers who like to be a little more discreet. It consist of two separate parts that are held together by strong magnets.

The magnets are strategically placed in the pipe, allowing you to attach and detach the pipe with great ease, without having to worry about it detaching while in your pocket or when in use.

The magnetic click pipe has a deep bowl that can hold a decent amount of herb. We do recommend the use of a screen to prevent ash and debris from traveling into the pipe. It comes delivered in a random, depending on availability. The magnetic click makes a great gift, or get one as a discreet smoking device for yourself, perfect for a quick hit on the go.


The sleek, stealthy magnetic click pipe is a revolutionary hand pipe created for the avid smokers who like to be a little more discreet. It consist of two separate parts that are held together by strong magnets.

The magnets are strategically placed in the pipe, allowing you to attach and detach the pipe with great ease, without having to worry about it detaching while in your pocket or when in use.

The magnetic click pipe has a deep bowl that can hold a decent amount of herb. We do recommend the use of a screen to prevent ash and debris from traveling into the pipe. It comes delivered in a random, depending on availability. The magnetic click makes a great gift, or get one as a discreet smoking device for yourself, perfect for a quick hit on the go.

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Pick N Mix by Pick N Mix

Magnetic Click Pipe

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Investor focus research & development value proposition graphical user interface investor. Startup business plan user experience.
Investor focus research & development value proposition graphical user interface investor. Startup business plan user experience.
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