

This uniquely designed adapter lets you smoke your cigarette or blunt through your favourite roor glass bong. This way you can use the water filtration of the bong to filter the tobacco smoke nmmaking it a smoother more flavoursome smoke.

By using the water you are trapping tars that would normally be deposited on your lungs. Smoke smarter, use the roor glass bongs you have to filter and cool the smoke before inhalation.

Brand ROOR
joint size 14.5mm, 18.8mm
Material Pyrex
Joint Male


This uniquely designed adapter lets you smoke your cigarette or blunt through your favourite roor glass bong. This way you can use the water filtration of the bong to filter the tobacco smoke nmmaking it a smoother more flavoursome smoke.

By using the water you are trapping tars that would normally be deposited on your lungs. Smoke smarter, use the roor glass bongs you have to filter and cool the smoke before inhalation.

Brand ROOR
joint size 14.5mm, 18.8mm
Material Pyrex
Joint Male

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Roor spliff Adapter

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Investor focus research & development value proposition graphical user interface investor. Startup business plan user experience.
Investor focus research & development value proposition graphical user interface investor. Startup business plan user experience.
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